Summer Institutes

The summer institutes will be similar in format to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Seminars in the Humanities. Our primary emphasis will be the professional development of more junior scholars, especially graduate students and recent PhDs. Confirmed participants will be expected to read sources from a select bibliography in advance of the summer institute. During the institute, time will be set aside for several distinct types of activity: seminar colloquia, working groups, individual research, and participant presentations.

Group excursion to Käserstatt in the Swiss alps

Reconceiving and Explaining the Success of Science

Invited Speakers: Nancy Nersessian (Harvard University/Georgia Institute of Technology) and Alyssa Ney (UC Davis)

Dates: 1 August – 12 August, 2016

Location: Basel, Switzerland

Practices of Individuation and Classification in Science

Invited Speakers: Marc Ereshefsky (University of Calgary), Kathrin Koslicki (University of Alberta), and Andrea Woody (University of Washington)

Dates: 18 June ­– 1 July, 2017

Location: Alberta, Canada

View of Taipei, Taiwan at dusk

From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics

Facilitators: Alan Love (University of Minnesota), Ken Waters (University of Calgary), Marcel Weber (University of Geneva), and Bill Wimsatt (University of Chicago/University of Minnesota)

Dates: 19 ­– 27 July, 2018

Location: Taipei, Taiwan